Madrid pop up Desperate For Attention

Our First Pop Up in Madrid

Sundays are for sweet treats and shopping! That’s why on Sunday May 26th we did our very first pop up in El Rastro, Madrid. Not only was it great to meet and interact with our friends and customers in person, but we also got the chance to meet other local brands and emerging sustainable designers. Meeting new people and making new friends while shopping local brands and sustainable fashion, is there a better way to spend time on a Sunday?

If you’ve ever been to Madrid, you know El Rastro is popping on Sundays with street markets where you can always find something special. We had our cute little stand at Sinespacio in Calle Carlos Arniches 6, which is a multifunctional space hosting different events like popups for emerging brands, art exhibitions and cool workshops.

Desperate For Attention pop up Madrid Sinespaciooo

Getting our stand ready for the pop up

And now that we’ve had our first taste of the pop up experience, we want to do more! So we’re busy planning other events for the summer. Make sure to follow us on Instagram, not to miss our next pop up! Madrid is the DFA hometown, but we’re also looking at other cities like Barcelona, which frequently has a lot of cool fashion pop ups and marketplaces taking place. So hopefully we can make the journey to Barcelona soon!

Thank you to everyone who came to support, you’re the best x

Desperate For Attention Pop Up Madrid Sinespacio

Us with the other local designers and vintage resellers that were participating in the pop up

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