Is Organic Cotton Actually Better than Regular Cotton?

Is Organic Cotton Actually Better than Regular Cotton?

So what's the deal with organic cotton and is it better than regular basic cotton that's not labeled as organic? As we all know, companies love saying that something is organic, eco-friendly, sustainable or "green", whatever that even means. And while a lot of it is just marketing and sometimes even straight up lies, it's not the case with us. Most of our clothes are made from 100% certified organic cotton and it is a much better choice than regular cotton. It's better for the environment, the workers and you - the customer. Let's go through why that is.


So what even is organic cotton?

Organic cotton is grown using practices that minimize the environmental impact of cotton farming. Such as, growing cotton without pesticides and with seeds that have not been genetically modified. Whereas regular cotton is genetically modified and grown using synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers. That's not the vibe.

Organic cotton farming avoids the use of harmful chemicals and aims for environmental sustainability and the use of fewer resources. Agricultural land that is chemical free also remains fertile much longer than land affected by the constant use of pesticides. Which affects not just the farmland itself, but also the workers and communities living nearby.

Instead of synthetic chemicals, organic cotton farming relies on natural alternatives like composting, crop rotation, and beneficial insects to manage pests naturally and maintain soil fertility. Don't you love that?


The environmental benefits of organic cotton

There are significant benefits of using organic cotton and trust us, mother nature will thank you for going organic! As we just discussed, organic cotton farming doesn't use any synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, which helps preserve biodiversity and prevents harmful chemicals from entering soil and water systems. So little bugs and plants can live safely in their homes. 

Also, organic cotton farming requires less water compared to regular cotton farming. By relying on natural techniques like crop rotation, composting and mulching, organic cotton farmers conserve water resources and contribute to more sustainable water management practices. Isn't that great? 

And also the soil remains healty and fertile for longer. Which also reduces the overall carbon footprint of organic cotton compared to conventional cotton. If you care about the environment, then going organic is really a no brainer! If you want to go down a bit of a rabbit hole and nerd out on all the statistics, we recommend going through this report from the Soil Association.


But what about me though?

We know we're all self centered deep down, so how does this affect us personally? If saving the environment is not enough, there's benefits for you too, don't worry! Especially if you have sensitive skin or allergies, which a lot of us do!

All those nasty chemicals we were just talking about - well once they are not there anymore, turns out our skin likes it! Who would have thought that? Synthetic pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers can leave residues on the fabric that may irritate sensitive skin or trigger allergic reactions. That's just not it.

Because of this, organic cotton garments are considered safer and more hypoallergenic compared to regular cotton. By opting for organic cotton, you can enjoy clothes that are gentle on the skin and free from potentially harmful chemical residues, contributing to better overall skin health and comfort. Love!


It's a vibe

Organic cotton is just that girl, there's no other way about it. Environmental benefits, health benefits, ethical and sustainable practices - what more do you need? This is exactly why we choose organic cotton for our brand, because it's not just you - nature is also Desperate For Attention.

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