The Rise of Sustainable Streetwear and Our Part in it

The Rise of Sustainable Streetwear and Our Part in it

Sustainable streetwear is not a trend - it's the future

Streetwear is not just about the clothes, the fit or the fabric. It's a movement and a community. And all good communities have values. Fashion is such an exciting space to be in, but unfortunately it also has a dark side. By now if you haven't heard about the negative environmental impacts of the fashion industry (and especially fast fashion), then where the hell have you been hiding? While it's tempting to act like we're living under a rock sometimes and ignore the problems of the world, we need to make better choices.


We're tired of being gaslit by big fashion brands and you should be too

A lot of big fast fashion companies will make it seem like it's the fault of the consumer, that there's a huge demand for cheap low quality clothes, so they just keep making them. They don't care about what happens to the garment after a few wears and what happens to the workers making those garments. It's all just numbers on a screen for their shareholders to look at. That's not a community - it's exploitation. Exploitation of the environment, of the workers and of you - the customer. 

Compared to such brands, we are a tiny little drop in the ocean, but change has to start somewhere. Our values are an integral part of our brand and we believe that sustainable streetwear is the future. And while it can be much more expensive to opt for environmentally friendly options as an independent brand, it's at the core of what we do and we work hard to keep our prices affordable. We aim to be as good as we can to our customers, to the workers in our supply chain and the world around us. Because we only have one planet, so let's be kind to it. 


The future of streetwear is sustainable

As we see more and more brands put sustainability at the core of their business, it's easier than ever to make conscious choices when shopping for streetwear. And we are happy to be a part of that change. We choose eco-friendly fabrics, such as organic cotton and recycled materials whenever possible. The manufacturers that we work with have certain certifications and are part of organizations that strive to change the industry. Such as the Fair Wear Foundation, which works directly with brands, factories, trade unions, NGOs and governments, to create changes that make a lasting impact on working conditions in the fashion industry.

The search term "sustainable fashion" has been growing with each year and has remained popular since 2019. People are more conscious than ever about fashion's impact on the environment and want to be a part of the change. It's no longer a tiny community of free spirits breaking the norms of what's seen as acceptable. It's entered the mainstream and has especially resonated with younger audiences. Maybe it's because we will be here longer or maybe we just give a shit about the world and want it to be a beautiful, healthy and happy place for all of us. We want change and we're doing something about it.


Let's make change happen together

As you can tell by our brand name Desperate For Attention, we're not afraid to be controversial and to call out bad behaviour when we see it. And all these fast fashion companies are not the vibe! And so are streetwear brands that don't care about the environment. 

Sustainability is a journey and not a destination, we strive to do better when better options are available to us and eventually we want to manufacture everything locally to even further reduce our carbon footprint. We really care about this, it's not some greenwashing campaign to attract a certain demographic. We have values and we're sticking by them. We even offset the carbon emissions from all our deliveries at no extra cost to you. And while it's a small gesture in the grand scheme of things, at least it's something, which you can't say about the majority of fashion brands out there unfortunately.

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